
Monday, September 22, 2014

Canned Apples

Apple season is in full swing, and this is a perfect, SIMPLE recipe to enjoy them all year long.  These are great chopped up and added to oatmeal, drained for an apple pie or crisp, eaten right out of the jar, mashed up for a quick chunky apple sauce, etc.

Canned Apples
mason jars, lids and rings
Apples of choice (I like Romans for canning and baking, but you could use just about any)

In each quart mason jar put 2 Tbsp. sugar (more if you want a sweeter taste)
Pour about 1 c. boiling water into each jar and shake to dissolve sugar.
Peel core and chop apples (I like to use an apple wedger and peel off the skin).
Pour additional boiling water into jars until full, leaving headspace.
Remove air bubbles with plastic knife or spatula.
Wipe rims, and top with lids and rings.
Steam quarts for 25 minutes, pints for 20, in a hot water bath.
Remember to adjust for altitude - 35 minutes for quarts for Utah elevation.

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